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Workstation Pro Plus

Power-Assisted Liposuction

Consisting of Vibrasat® Pro, Liposat® Pro, Vacusat® power, Thermia Pro mounted.

Combining Vibrasat® Pro, the power-assisted liposuction device with a TLA/FAT infiltration pump (Liposat® Pro plus), the Anti-Hypothermia-Solution (Thermia Pro) and the silent surgical aspirator (Vacusat® power) builds the complete solution for body contouring. All components are perfectly compatible and harmonised to each other, guaranteeing excellent efficiency, environmentally friendly operation and a maximum in safety for your patient. All available safety features and accessories are included: Overflow protection, hydrophobic filter, attachment kits, and a 3-Pedal footswitch.


5 reasons for our Workstation Pro plus:

  1. TLA infiltration, liposuction and fat re-infiltration - the  Workstation Pro plus optimally supports you.

  2. The included Liposat® Pro plus in combination with Vibrasat® Pro handles fat in the gentlest way - because viable fat matters. 

  3. The unique Anti-Hypothermia Solution - Thermia Pro increases the patient safety during the surgery.

  4. Enjoy a super silent OR and be able to fully concentrate on your patient - maximum reduction of noise level can be noticed.

  5. The integrated 3-Pedal Footswitch allows you to perform your procedure exactly as you need it - to offer your patients the best possible results.

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The power configuration
The Complete Liposuction System.

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